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Weigh feeder is good weigh feeder used in weigh feeder industry cement industry weigh feeder steel industry weigh feeder food industry weigh feeder on line weighing weigh feeder cement industry weigh feeder, steel industry weigh feeder and food industry weigh feeders are manufactured by us any kind of static and dynamic weighing solution we are providing with high accuracy

Weigh Feeder: Movement of bulk materials is an essential feature in Modern Industrial Processes.  With the advancement of fast transportation of bulk materials, accounting the quantity of materials transferred has assumed great importance. Since weight remains the most reliable index of material accounting, it can be measured directly and precisely. Designers can offer accurate weighing systems to maintain the set rate of material transfer, which can simplify the task of process engineers.  This is effected by the closed loop control of the feeding mechanism using weighing. The kind of set-up designed for this purpose is known as Weigh Feeder.


Weigh Feeder is a closed loop control system in which a precise control can be had over the flow of materials, which has indicating, totalising and controlling instruments and circuits.



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