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Material Handling: 


Material Handling deals with the procedures involved in transportation, storage, preservation and control of materials related to the system or process. With our in-built material handling solutions, you will be able to maintain a competitive advantage both in terms of efficiency and cost. Improve your operation by finding the optimum configuration of equipment and information technology for an effective automated material handling system.


Material handling systems manufactured by us:​


  1. Weigh Feeder 

  2. Screw Feeder

  3. Belt Weigher

  4. Loss in Weigh Feeder

  5. Batching System

  6. Through-Put Weigher

  7. Solid Flow Meter

  8. Crane Scale 


Categories of Material Handling Equipment: 


  1. Material Transport Equipment : For the movement of materials inside the factory where the process is being executed.

  2. Storage: To store materials and provide access to those materials when required. 

  3. Unitizing Equipment: Refers to containers that are used to store the material and equipment used to load and package the equipment.

  4. Identification and tracking systems: Used for detecting and keeping track of the materials or units being moved through the process or assembly line.


Why Automate Your Material Handling Process


Automating your process helps in reducing overall costs, even if the initial costs may be higher. They help in reducing labour costs and dependence on the availability of the same. The human error which often creeps in repetitive tasks can be minimised along with improving the safety of your workers. Many modern material handling processes cannot simply be executed without the help of electronic devices due to the high complexity and a large number of variables being handled. This would also help improve the quality of your product thanks to micro-level control systems. 




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