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Load CellsThese are the sensors primarily used for the measurement of weight in industries. The load cells function by changing their dimensions when subjected to stress which corresponds proprotionally with the weight placed upon them. The strain variable is then measured using the change in resistance which is then output as a millivolt reading to a suitable signal interpretation device like an Analog to DIgital Converter. Our mechanical fabrication partners help in developing the ideal load cells for your requirements. All variables like the maximum load they will be subjected to, the environmental factors like harsh temperature, pressure conditions, etc are all taken into consideration while making the optimal load cell sensors while staying budget friendly. The load cells are also designed taking into consideration the shape of the tank, reactor etc that will be placed on top of them. Since the measured value coming from a load cell will vary based on where the load is applied on the surface of the sensor, ideal shaping of the same during fabrication is important to ensure that load is distributed uniformly on its surface. This is why custom manufactured load cells are important for some situations. 





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